"Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils; For why should he be esteemed?"
~Isaiah II,22

Although those men on the header have greatly impacted my theology and changed the way I view God (and I feel a GREAT affection for them for doing this), I have been under conviction of having them up there as a sort of "capstone" to the page. In reality, they were only weak, pitiful, broken men of a glorious, wise, and strong God. He should be the one getting the glory from everything we do, and having all those men up there at the top seemed to give them too much esteem. So I've decided to make the old header into the new footer of the page.
Now when ever you want to see ol' B.B. Warfield's crazy mustache or John Owen's inquisitive look, just scroll down to the bottom.
Soli Deo Gloria,
i had no idea you even had a blog. =(
I just started in a few months ago. It was going to be private - struggles and poems and such. But I’ve decided it’s going to be a place where I “put things I like.”
I don’t want to advertise it. It’s just there for my sanity, and if someone stumbles across it and gets a wee bit of edification out of it - praise the Lord!
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