Tuesday, April 8, 2008

#3 Tim Conway - Hell is Both Good and Necessary

(A series of 48 sermons that have angered, broken, impacted, molded, and changed me.)

#3 Tim Conway - Hell is Both Good and Necessary

The doctrine of hell reminds us that our sin is no small thing – it is defiance against a holy, infinite, and just God, and must be punished as such if God is to be God.

When I do not keep the Holiness of God always on the forefront of my mind I often, in despair, rail against God because of this doctrine.

Will not the judge of all the earth do right?

“Hell stares our humanistic mindset right in the face.”

"Lord, stamp eternity on my eyelids.” - Robert Murray McCheyne


Tim Conway is one of the pastors of Grace Community Church in San Antonio, Texas.

(click below to listen)
#3 - Tim Conway - Hell is Both Good and Necessary


1 comment:

Michael Spotts: . said...

This sermon was one that showed me I thought God was irrational. Thank God for this sermon! It's in my top ten.