I was meditating on these very thoughts earlier today, just a few hours before I came across this quote by Calvin in Cornelius Van Til's, "A Defense for Christianity." It's always nice to see thoughts you've had confirmed by doctrinal giants. Assuring.
"All controversies about the nature of man, his sin and his salvation, must be settled by exegesis of Scripture. For although the Lord represents both himself and his everlasting Kingdom in the mirror of his works with very great clarity, such is our stupidity that we grow increasingly dull toward so manifest testimonies, and they flow away without

profiting us. For with regard to the most beautiful structure and order of the universe, how many of us are there who, when we lift up our eyes to heaven or cast them about through the various regions of earth, recall our minds to a remembrance of the Creator, and do not rather, disregarding their Author, sit idly in contemplation of his works? In fact, with regard to those events which daily take place outside the ordinary course of nature, how many of us do not reckon that men are whirled and twisted about by blindly indiscriminate fortune, rather than governed by God’s providence? Sometimes we are driven by the leading and direction of these things to contemplate God; this of necessity happens to all men. Yet after we rashly grasp a conception of some sort of divinity, straightway we fall back into the ravings or evil imaginings of our flesh, and corrupt by our vanity the pure truth of God. In one respect we are indeed unalike, because each one of us privately forges his own particular error; yet we are very much alike in that, one and all, we forsake the one true God for prodigious trifles. Not only the common folk and dull-witted men, but also the most excellent and those otherwise endowed with keen discernment are infested with this disease." Calvin, Institutes, Book I, 5,9
It sickens me how sometimes I prop up beautiful and glorious creations of God as
idols, instead of things to worship God
through. A violation of the first commandment, no matter how small the object is or how little adoration I give the thing.
Lord, help me to see the seriousness of my idolatry, and help me not to let things, even good things that come from Your hand, get in the way of me giving You all the glory I can. Amen.
1 comment:
Me too..me too. Amen.
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