Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Heartcry Attributes of God Conference 2005.

If anyone wants more teaching on the attributes of God apart from our good friend Pink's wonderful work, I recommend the sermons below. In fact, I urge you to listen to them. I know there are a plethora of 'Christian' conferences that are going on at all seasons of every year, but this is one that changed my life and may very well change yours. The names of these preachers may be unfamiliar to you at present, but I assure you if you just give them a listen they may become very dear friends.

Thirteen messages seem like too much to handle? Just start with the first one and commit to listening to the first ten minutes. That's not to difficult, is it?

1. The Holiness of God - Paul Washer

2. The Justice of God - Michael Durham

3. The Power of God - Paul Washer

4. The Sovereignty of God - Mack Tomlinson

5. The Truth of God - Jeff Noblit

6. The Love of God - Mike Morrow

7. The Mercy and Grace of God - Paul Washer

8. The Glory of God Pt. 1 - Charles Leiter

9. The Glory of God Pt. 2 - Charles Leiter

10. Seeking God - Bob Jennings

11. The Ability of God - Randall Easter

12. The Wrath of God - Charles Leiter

13. Conference Q&A - Various

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