Erin, Wisconsin

[ I realize that God is completely unlike anything, therefore taking pictures that remind you of His attributes really is impossible. after almost 7 days of failure i had given up hope and sat down to get some more work done, then low and behold it was right before me. so here it is, my picture for this week on the solitariness of God. here also are my thoughts: God needs no one. He needs nothing. He is completely independent. Solitary. More so He has never had nor will ever have any needs (other than Christ in His humanity, even then His needs were supplied by the Father). Within Himself is everything. This seems so opposite of me for I am always in need. I want someone to share my life with, my heart with, my mind with, someone I can see and touch and experience in return. Also my physical body is supported by God's creation in the necessities of life. My soul even lives, eats, and drinks from the Spirit of God. In essence every inch of me is dependent upon the Lord. How much less could i understand Him? I can only see me and know He is nothing like me. In that sense i know Him. I am glad I am this way, because even when i am in my worst state, I know that I must return to my only source. Praise Him who needs nothing, but desires me. ]
Diego, Columbia

Gregory, Iowa

[Oh God your ways are majestic. You, the great creator, are completely set apart from all that exists. For You created the heavens and the earth, and you created me.]
Jessica, Maryland

[This was really cool: I was thinking all week about what I would photograph for God's solitariness, and then just this afternoon a small red bud appeared on my rose bush. I had neglected my plants over the holidays when I was really sick, and the rose bush almost died, so it was especially moving to see this little symbol of renewed life. It also reminded me of The Little Prince, when the Prince falls in love with a rose, and explains to St. Expury how when you love someone their face is unique to you, even in a sea of roses. ]
Michael, California

[A list of God's needs.]
Graeme, Iowa

[You may be surprised to learn that this dark image was taken at noon on a bright sunny day. When you point the camera directly into the sun, the camera tries to get a proper exposure of that massive burning giant, and everything on this earth becomes shadowy and dark. In the image above you can see the camera desperately trying to expose the sun through it's brightness, and failing miserably. If the camera had the capability to get a correct vision of the sun, everything on this earth would appear completely black. I propose to you that God is so much bigger than the sun that His glory and brightness would even make the sun look black as a starless night. He is so much greater than anything we can comprehend, and so entirely different from all else. But praise Him that he reveals even the fringes of His ways to us, and gives us glimpses of Himself all around. ]
Kim, Minnesota

Nathan, Tennessee

This turned out so great, Graeme. I'm excited to actually add something for the next week.
PS: Would you please pray for me? Like everyone, I need more grace from the Lord to pursue sanctification wholeheartedly. Of course none of us achieve perfection here, but I want to have a conscience that says, "you're doing all you know to do." Instead, I'm often knowingly not. It's one thing to look back, even five seconds, and say, "why did I do that? I hate that!" It's far worse to say right now, "What I'm doing is wrong, but I'm still doing it." Your fervent prayers are effectual and appreciated.
Spottsy's is my favorite :)
Oh and what Spotts said about his prayer needs? That's me every day. It feels like the Lord is leading us all through the same thing AGAIN at the same time.
I'll add you both to my prayers and please do me as well. I wish Spottsy lived here then we could all get together all the time...
But only Graeme lives here so HURRY UP AND HANG OUT WITH ME!
I...I'm a trendsetter...how flattering.
Gorgeous...now how on earth do I one-up THAT?
Eh...If you can't beat em, join em.
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