Do you know God? Do you really know Him? Can you list for me all of His attributes as they are laid out in scripture? I mean...He is God, right? The most important being ever. The one worthy of our everything.
Sadly, most of us (myself included) don't know God like we should. We confess Him, and say we put Him first, but in reality a lot of us couldn't even go through our bibles and show another who God really is. I believe a lot of us have manufactured a 'god' to our own liking by cutting and pasting verses and random philosophies together until we are comfortable with the result. But in reality, the scriptures paint a very different picture of God than most churches preach every Sunday. Some of the things the bible says about God are downright uncomfortable, but they are all true and, ultimately glorious and should bring us to our knees in worship. We are all without excuse for not esteeming God like we should.
Over the next 17 weeks (yup, 4 months) I am going to be posting chapters from A.W. Pink's 'The Attributes of God'. This small work from Pink profoundly affected me last year and my view of God. My hopes for doing this is that you will take time out from your busy schedule and study God with me. We all need this - it's foundational. It should be written on our hearts.
But I don't want you to just read and mediate on the chapter - I want you to worship. And I want you to share your worship with me and everyone else in the form of photographs (or illustrations). After I post each chapter, and you've meditated on it for a while - go out and take some photos that remind you of the specific attribute during that week. Upload them to flickr or photobucket, or just email them to me and I'll post everyone's work the following Monday, right before I put the next chapter up. Don't worry about the quality, or being compared to other people's art - this is for God, who accepts the smallest of our meager sacrifices as beautiful. You could also include some commentary with the image if you'd like, about why it reminds you of the specific attribute, or what God taught you through the chapter. At the end of the project I will select five random submitters to receive copies of Pink's book.
Sound good? It does to me! Let us learn about our creator and worship him together! I'll put the first chapter up on Monday.
A correct vision of God will transform every aspect of your life. We desperately need this.
Good idea :)
Sweet deal.
oh wow. What a fantastic idea. Praise Him.
p.s. Reading "God is the Gospel" right now by Piper. It's a good reminder.
Another great book that changed my life.
Count me in. This was on my reading list for the year, anyway.
I'd I'm elected winner, may I decree my copy to someone else?
PS: I'm reading Pink's bio, by Murray. It's excellent thus far and full of surprising information, and searching application. Worthwhile.
hello, this is erin, mike's friend. i was also planning on reading that book this year, i believe i will be reading along with. i'm not sure how vocal i will end up being though.
Hey Erin! Glad you want to join us! Don't think your getting out of participating so easily though....I happen to know about your Canon 10D.
Thank you Graeme.
That's sounds fun... and more importantly edifying! I have a new camera to learn with, so this should be fun! I don't have a consistent internet connection though. Lord willing, I'll send you some pics.
Grace to you, Graeme!
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