Why not? Everyone else has their year mapped out already...

The plan this year is to read less books and spend more of my time in the Scriptures, Prayer, and diligently studying my Greek. Although primarily theological, I put my extra-biblical reading above all three of those (more important) items this year, and I don't want to fall into that trap again this year. Feel free to keep me accountable on that goal. Seriously. Luckily 2009 looks to be a much leaner year, fiscally, so new books won't be coming in at such a speed as they have been.
So here's my restrained list for 2009. The plan is, if another book comes along that I want to read, I have to swap it out with one of the below to stay on track. Ya'll are allowed to give me one suggestion for the coming year, as well. I've left space. Thanks!
:: Berry, Wendall - Memory of Old Jack
:: Bridges, Jerry - Stand: A Call For the Perseverance of the saints
:: Carpenter, Humphrey - Tolkien
:: Cash, Johnny - Cash
:: Chesterton, G.K. - The Paradoxes of Mr. Pond [COMPLETED]
:: Chesterton, G.K. - The Complete Father Brown
:: Dickens, Charles - David Copperfield
:: Dostoevsky, Fydor - Notes From the Underground
:: Dostoevsky, Fydor - The Possessed
:: Harris, Josh - Stop Dating the Church
:: Hemingway, Ernest - The Sun Also Rises
:: Johnson, Gary - Reforming or Conforming?
:: Kidner, Derek - Proverbs
:: Kierkegaard, Soren - Edifying Discourses
:: Lewis, C. S. - The Great Divorce
:: Lloyd-Jones, Martyn - Growing in the Spirit [COMPLETED]
:: Luther, Martin - Table Talk
:: Luther, Martin - Bondage of the Will
:: Luther, Martin - Sermons Vol. 1
:: MacArthur, John - Faith Works: The Gospel According to the Apostles
:: McCullough, David - John Adams
:: McLaren, Brian - A New Kind of Christian
:: Miller, Calvin - Into the Depths of God
:: Nee, Watchman - Spiritual Authority
:: O'Conner, Flannery - Everything That Rises Must Converge
:: Owen, John - Communion With God
:: Packer, J.I - Knowing God
:: Pasternak, Boris - Doctor Zhivago
:: Pink, A. W. - Eternal Security
:: Piper, John - Let the Nations Be Glad!
:: Piper, John - Brothers, We Are Not Professionals
:: Schaeffer, Francis - The Great Evangelical Disaster
:: Sproul, R.C. - The Holiness of God
:: Spurgeon, C.H. - Autobiography (2 Volumes)
:: Spurgeon, C.H. - John Ploughman's Talk
:: Spurgeon, C.H. - Sermons Vol. 1
:: Stott, John - The Cross of Christ
:: Stott, John - Basic Christianity
:: Tolkien, J.R.R. - The Two Towers
:: Tolkien, J.R.R. - The Return of the King
:: Tolstoy, Leo - Six Short Masterpieces
:: Tozer, A. W. - Man, The Dwelling Place of God
:: Turner, Jack - Spice: A History of a Temptation
:: Vonnegut, Kurt - Player Piano
:: Watson, Thomas - A Body of Divinity
:: Wodehouse, P.G. - The Return of Jeeves
:: Yancey, Phillip - What's So Amazing About Grace?
Wowzer... this should be a good year for discussion.
By the way, I'm pleased to know the posts have been a blessing. I am greatly edified in writing them, albeit at the expense of sleep! An even more monstrous post is coming on the 9th... the sequel to the last one.
Off to bed!!
You know what's odd? None of the three of us really have the same books on our lists...like...at all. I mean, I have Watson on my list, Lewis, Luther, Tolkien, and etc. The ONLY book you and I match up with is The Great Evangelical Disaster. We ALL have the same authors but almost NONE of the same books.
B-Bony-Baloney sandwich...
ps...Can I stuff you and ash and guster in my suitcase in july and bring you with us?
Man, I only have two books on my list for this year: Home, by Marylinne Robinson, which I haven't gotten around to reading yet and Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortensen. I will have to make a better list. In the meantime I have one to add to yours, a must read by the time you are...um... a year older than however old you are: The Chosen by Chaim Potok. It is one of the most beautifully written novels I have ever read, and it will help you understand modern orthodox and hassidic Judaism better than ten college courses. I know, because I took ten college courses in Jewish studies.
Home is my favorite of all her novels, I think you'll love it.
I'll pick up the Potok, thanks!
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