1. I've created a directory of sermons that have shaped and changed me HERE. It will also be listed on my sidebar as 'My Sermonshelf.' I hope they will be a blessing in your life.
2. Michael Spotts is giving away books! Head on over to the Open Life blog to enter to win this months - a glorious copy of Tomas Watson's Body of Divinity! There are a few rules so make sure to read the post carefully.
About The Body of Divinity:
"The first book published by the Trust (Banner of Truth), this has been one of their best sellers and consistently the most useful and influential of their publications. John Piper, Steve Lawson, Spurgeon, and other godly men all rank Body of Divinity as amongst those books most influential upon them. There are several reasons for this:
The subject of the book. It deals with the foremost doctrinal and experimental truths of the Christian Faith. It is based on the Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism, in which the main principles of Christianity are brought together and set forth from the scriptures in the form of questions and answers. This Catechism is unsurpassed for its 'terse exactitude of definition' and 'logical elaboration' of the fundamentals.
The style of the author. Watson conveys his thorough doctrinal and experiential knowledge of the truth in such an original, concise, pithy, pungent, racy, rich and illustrative style that he is rightly regarded as the most readable of the Puritans. Almost every other line is quotable."

3. Brave Saint Saturn has released their third CD! Head on over to purevolume to listen to three songs off of it, or over to emusic to listen to snippets of the whole album. If you would like to download the album FREE and legally I have discovered a way. Click HERE to sign up for emusic and recieve 50 free songs. Simply use the free downloads and then cancel your subscription. This allows you to keep the songs and your account will not be charged for your first month. If you would like to order a CD you can do it from their store. Trust me, it's worth it. I'll also be reviewing this album for intothehill.
4. New photos up next week - so be looking for those. =)
Thanks buuuuuudy!
Graeme, you may also opt for any of the Puritan Paerbacks instead, if you win. I forgot to add that note.
Ps: Please pray for my best friend and his wife. She is pregnant, and today they found two tumors, probably benign, one the size of a grapefruit, on her ovaries. The surgery threatens the child.
God bless you.
Wow brother, you pictures are amazing, When I see them I see Christ mighty hand, I was stired with thankfulness and praise to God. I just started to paint again, they were a mean of grace to my heart. Whatever we do it to the glory of God. I am praying for you tonight, May christ shine ven more. Glory to Chrit.
In Christ charlene
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