Lots of stuff to cover, so let's get started shall we?
+ I've discovered (only took a few weeks) that the 'Attributes' project is moving a little too quickly for everyone, including myself, so I've decided to make it a bi-weekly event instead of a weekly one. This will give us more time to meditate on these measureless doctrines, as well as more time to get our creative juices flowing and our shutters primed. In related news, the absence of certain people from ever participating in this project is quite befuddling to me, especially since they consider themselves professionals in the craft. I won't reveal their names on here for the sake of their flower-delicate feelings, but consider this your public admonition and invitation to join us.
+ I will be updated 'my sermonshelf' over the next few days (located on the right side of this page in the links), and I invite any of you out there to explore it's contents whenever you have a free moment. Sermons are a powerful tool used by those God has called to preach, and the ones I have gathered there have significantly impacted my life. These preachers won't tickle your ears with easy, self-esteem inducing words or try keep your attention through the use of dynamic 'cutting-edge' media presentations. What they will give you is truth, and sometimes it comes with a blade, but that's what we need - radical surgurey. Remember, one of the tell-tale signs of a false prophet: they will tell you everything you want to hear. I hope you will make use of these sermons if you haven't already.
+ Michael Spotts has written a great post on the Gospel over at The Open Life. I recommend you read (or listen) to his important summary of the acropolis of our faith. I need to hear it everyday.
+ A few book recommendations this month.
J.I. Packer's 'Knowing God' has impressed upon me even more the desperation of my state and the fickleness of all my actions if I do not have a proper relationship with my God. Not a mental knowledge of His doctrines, but a relationship and an abiding with my Creator.

C.J. Mahaney's 'Worldliness' is another work that has been a challenger in my life. If we can only get off our antinomian high horses and stop denouncing any and all specific strictures on our life as 'legalism' we can learn much from the Biblical truth presented in this work.
Boris Pasternak's 'Dr. Zhivago' contains beautiful descriptions of the landscapes and peoples of Russia in the early 1900's. You may have to fight your way through the first 100 pages or so, struggling to memorize the names (and surnames...and nicknames) of the 30 or so characters he introduces, but your endurance will be rewarded. A powerful book - I'm interested in seeing how it ends.
"As the apostle says to Timothy, so also he says to every-one, 'Give yourself to reading.' ... He who will not use the thoughts of other men's brains proves that he has no brains of his own... You need to read. Renounce as much as you will all light literature, but study as much as possible sound theological works, especially the Puritanic writers, and expositions of the Bible... the best way for you to spend your leisure is to be either reading or praying." - Spurgeon
I don't even have time to upkeep my own blog.
much less patronize yours
you were overwhelmed with four credits...multiply that by 4 poophead!
I chortled for a while when I saw this :-)
whoa...Spottsy and I have an identical half-smile.
never caught that...
A little defensive, are we? A sure sign of guilt I say!
I'll remember all your overwhelmed-ness the next time you compile a giant extra-curricular portfolio book or write your next blog! =P
*falls on sword*
*Reposted for typos*
Josh notified me of the warrant issued for my arrest. I'm here to turn myself in.
It's true, guilty as charged. I've allowed myself to be occupied with other things... learning conversational Spanish, reading other books (around 3000 pages for Jan/February!)... I'll just have to jump in at the present week, and recover lost ground later.
Otherwise, how will I be able to show my face around here? Oh, wait... you show my face around here anyway.
PS: Ryan, I think your half-smile is more smirky. Mine is less of a smile and more of a mouthed gesture, or even just natural asymmetry. My nose is crooked too, but that's owing, I believe, to multiple blows suffered to it in youth (at least one being deserved). I call it "character."
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