Listening through these has been such a blessing to me in the past few weeks. I thoroughly recommend you burn a few of them and listen in your car or while doing some busy work. They are all very well done (save the MLJ one), but I especially hope you'll do some right-click save-as on this one, and this one, this one, and definitely this one. I've been very encouraged hearing about the lives, faith, doctrines and actions of these men. Praise the Lord for his faithfulness to raise up prophets in every generation.
I fully agree, the biography series is great. I'm gonna go listen to the LGM one.
Your comments are working, by the way, but I thought that not publishing them would remind me that I needed to respond to them. Apparently it didn't work. I have Class-A forgetfulness.
Too bad we couldn't meet up, but the trip was so busy anyway. Maybe in January, since I plan on going out for another wedding?
I've been a bit bogged down in editing the three jobs I did while I was out there, besides my regular job and personal photos. Oh, and I didn't post any of your comments that were only about our possible rendezvous, ya know.
Glad the articles have been useful. I'm off to edit!
The first seven sets are all from the trip, with lots more to come.
Ha! I'm pretty bad too - not class A, but at least class B.
Good - I just wasn't sure if my comments were getting through, or getting lost in the interwebs.
January would be great. It would be fantastic to sit and talk, or even do some shooting together.
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