I've updated and recategorized my "bookshelf", which is found yonder on the sidebar on the right side of your screen (or here). If you've got time to check it out, these are titles that receive my whole-hearted approval, which is an honor every author sets out to achieve prior to touching ink to parchment. =)
These works have helped mold and teach me as I journey to 'study to show myself a workman, unashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.' I would encourage all of you to read and learn as much doctrine (greek for 'teaching') and theology (greek for 'a word from God') as possible. We study and master so many intricate things - some things for our careers, others more trivial, but we often offer excuses why we don't seek to learn and study hard the things of infinite value under the guise of 'it being to difficult' or 'I'm just not a theologian.' Remember that the Holy Spirit is what ultimately illuminates your mind to Scripture and the things of God, so trust in Him to help you understand his truth as you set out to learn. Always do it with a humble and trembling attitude, realizing your deficiency and you'll do well! (Isaiah 66:2) And remember that God will give us wisdom liberally, all we have to do is ask! (James 1)