(A series of 48 sermons that have angered, broken, hurt, impacted, molded, and changed me.)
#1 “Youth Message 2002” – Paul Washer
If anything I have every heard in my life could be defined by the old Latin meaning of the word “ataraxic”, this sermon would be it. A disturbing shock into a state of tranquility. This message sent me into a state of doubt and self examination, and then into a confession and repentance that hasn’t left since I heard it eight months ago. It was also my first introduction to Paul Washer, who God has used immensely in my life. I’ve listened to over 500 of his sermons and I see no end in sight!
This sermon was preached to 5,000 youth attending a conference in 2002. He was never asked to preach there again.
(click below to listen.)
#1 - Paul Washer - Shocking Youth Message 2002.
Haven't heard it...I remember the message I heard from him though, he was good stuff. I may have to go get this one.
Also, I liked that little "Maverick Molecule" quote, I may have to commandeer it for a sermon. Another one I have heard that is amazing and along the same lines comes from Abraham Kuyper,
"There is not one square inch over which the risen Christ does not say, 'Mine!'"
48, huh? That's ambitious. I look forward to it.
I love that Kuyper quote, too.
48 indeed! I have them already picked out and blurbs written for 1/2 of them.
I wish I could do a series of 100, but I think that would be too many. =)
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